Exciting News: Our Submissions Have Reopened

It’s time to share your philosophical thoughts, arguments and aphorisms.

Jon Hawkins
The Apeiron Blog


Photo by Pixabay via Pexels

Dear writers,

After much anticipation, our external submissions form is now open. It’s been closed for a short while, but we’re ready to read stories from new writers again.

Whether you’ve been learning about your favorite philosopher, reading a new book about the world, or have a philosophical argument that changed your perspective; we want to hear from you.

To submit work for consideration, please read our submission guidelines and fill out our form. Please bear with us, as we expect a higher volume than usual during this first week. You should hear back between five and ten working days.

I look forward to reading your work,


This is a copy of an email sent out to The Apeiron Blog’s newsletter on 23/06/21. To receive articles like these to your inbox, sign up using this free link.



Asking questions, seeking answers. I write articles that help you better understand the Universe and your place in it.